Some error report in GIA tests.
Hello. I finished the GIA test today, and the results was worse than I would expect. Although there wasn't much time to organize the bughunting in the test itself, but I did it.
I tested the RUSSIAN VERSION and the remarks refer only to the localization of the test in Russian.
My suggestions:
GIA test, part2. Perceptual Speed
The test uses an alphabet with capital “machine” and small “handwritten” letters. It was very difficult to understand some of the letters because I didn't recognize the relationships between them. I think it was a problem with the font chosen for Cyrillic.
In my humble opinion - a description of the correct pairs for all the letters I can encounter in the test could be a bit helpful. For example, slide in the description: you may encounter the following pairs. “Mm” ‘Tt’ ‘Dd’ etc.... in this case I see - the first pair is a big “M” and a small “M”.
In the real test right now “M"+"m” it is a big “M” + a small “T” and it is not a pair!
I did this test with poor results because the letter relationships were not clear to me. Perhaps a better handwritten font for small letters might be helpful too.
GIA test, part4. Word Meaning
Some Russian words are misspelled (or wrongly translated). I mean, for example:
“bgi” "small" "tedious".
Of course, I realize it's “big” and “small”, but one word is misspelled.
I did this test with great results, that's my strongest part.
Thanks so much for your feedback and for bringing this to our attention.
I have passed this message on to our science and content team who are fully investigating this matter.
I will come back to you once we have investigated thoroughly
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