Enhance Your Recruitment Process with Job Profiling!

Kelly Kiernan
Kelly Kiernan Administrator Posts: 31 admin

We’re thrilled to show you to the transformative power of job profiling in our recruitment strategy! Thomas Job enables you to easily create and match candidates to a Job Profile, using the Personal Profile Analysis (PPA). 

What makes job profiling so valuable? 


Job enables you to identify the behavioural requirements of a job that will help you recruit the right people for the right job, identify development needs and redeploy talent. Further, it can also serve as the blueprint for Talent and Performance Management. Job Profiling give you the insights needed to assess the skills of both current employees and job candidates, helping us spot any skill gaps. This is done by providing insights into the a candidate’s personal strengths and possible limitations to the specific Job Profile.  


Here’s how job profiles can benefit your recruitment process: 


  • Tailored assessments: They help you pinpoint exactly what skills are needed for each role, so you can better evaluate candidates. 
  • Focused training needs: Identify what training new hires will need to hit the ground running. 
  • Career development & succession planning: Plan for future talent needs and ensure a smooth transition as roles evolve. 
  • Streamlined recruitment: Create detailed profiles for specific jobs (e.g. Customer Service Representatives), groups of roles (e.g. Sales), management levels (e.g. Middle Management), or talent pools (e.g. High Potentials). 


Job profiles build on traditional job descriptions by adding more behaviour detail, making it a powerful tool for managing and developing talent. The best part you can easily involve the job experts in setting up the Job Profile.   


The process of setting up a Job Profile in HUB is simple: 

The candidates will need to have a completed PPA profile.  

On your HUB, under Job, you have the option to create a new Job Profile by following three simple steps: 

  • Add job details by entering the title, description and company/cost centre details for the job 
  • Create Job Profile by creating a new job profile or use an existing job profile as a template 
  • Find the best candidate for the job by searching candidate profiles to find a good match for your Job Profile 


Each candidate is presented with a star rating in comparison to the Job Profile. Here is how to interpret the star rating: 

How is the star rating of each candidate determined? 

A star rating is assigned based on the following criteria: Four stars are allocated for matching working strengths and support factors between the Job Profile and the candidate’s PPA profile, with one point awarded for each match. The remaining star is awarded based on the order of the working strengths. If the reading order of the working strengths is identical, the fifth star is allocated.