What are the key factors that you believe are essential for AI to be deemed responsible and ethic

Holly Martin
Administrator Posts: 28 admin
In an era where AI influences almost every aspect of our lives, from how we work to how we make daily decisions, the question of what makes AI responsible and ethical is more critical than ever.
So, we want to know what's most important to you for AI to be considered responsible and ethical.
Wondering why we're asking? Keep your eyes peeled 👀
What are the key factors that you believe are essential for AI to be deemed responsible and ethic 2 votes
Accountability - the people who design them are held accountable for its actions
0 votes
Inclusivity - AIs consider different human experiences and perspectives
1 vote
Reliability - AIs are not able to stray too far from what they were designed to do
0 votes
Transparent - you are able to understand what the AI is doing and why it is doing it
0 votes
Fairness - AIs do not discriminate or express bias towards any group or individual
0 votes
Privacy - Your data is kept secure by the AI
1 vote
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