Aptitude and Leadership - is there a connection?

Hi Thomas Together! I was having a really interesting discussion with one of our clients and was wondering, does anyone have any experience or thoughts around using aptitude / GIA results in your leadership development?
Personally, I could see it being really useful to increase self awareness around how a leader may work through information / reason and the impact that has on their teams, but would love to know your thoughts π‘
Best Answer
What an interesting question, Kira. We know how important it is for leaders to inspire and motivate rather than 'direct and tell' people (the old-fashioned way!), and I agree that this would be another cool dimension to use to generate and enhance self-awareness. I'm thinking about Word Meaning scores in communication, and how important it is that a leader can modify their behaviour to ensure that they bring everyone along with them (particularly when imparting their vision, and engaging a workforce by bringing clarity to how the work they do contributes to strategic deliverables).
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