Approaches to Change

Join our experts David Semmelink, Specialist Research Psychologist, and Jens Keyter, Senior Professional Services at Thomas, where they will discuss and share the outcomes of a research study that delves into approaches to change in the workplace. The session will be hosted by Manie Prinsloo
Organisation’s are faced with diverse challenges, one of which is that of change. As human nature tends to prefer consistency or tried and tested methods, it may in fact cause challenges for employees to adopt change as well as those that seek to develop change, to do so in a proactive fashion.
This session will discuss the challenges that are faced when approaching change as well as considering behavioural attributes and personality characteristics that can have a bearing on their willingness to accept change.
The discussion will also outline research findings such as correlations between approaches to change and behaviour and personality.
Our experts will discuss:
What is change within an organisation.
How personality and behaviour affect approach to change.
Research covered by Thomas regarding approach to change.
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